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Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 05:17:38 AM
I've got a Nissan Micra K11 CG13DE from 2000. Already I have made a custom stainless exhaust header, and like to go and make a aluminium intake manifold as well!

The next step for me was build in faster cams. I've looked around an found out the Tomei Poncam 256 degrees would be nice for me. Together with the already made modifications I think I'd get a nice gain in power.

THE problem is Tomei has put a hold om the CG13DE cams!!! I already paid them, but with the news I have to wait for atleast 3-6 months, and still not be sure I will get them, I asked the company to give me back my money....

I'm a bit disapointed to be honest! Now I've looked around for another brand, and came to a company in Holland (I'm also from Holland!) who has cams for the CG13DE engine too.
He sells 2 differend kind of profiles: 248 and 270 degrees duration.
As I see things, 248 degrees is not a lot! And so I asked him: What will I gain with these cams? Well on a standard engine you will gain about 8 HP with the 248 cams.

If you raise the compression, using other pistons, to 11.5:1 and use the 270 cams, you gain a LOT more.

Now here's my situation: I NEED my car for work, and also go on holiday with it! It's not my intention to make a rally-car, only want to get more SAFE horsepower. I realy can't see straight anymore!
In Holland only a little few people tune their K11, and there is nobody I can talk to, and exchange plans/experience with!

I'd like to know what to do!! I have got a "extra" engine to work on, so I can keep my car running. I need some advice on what I can do best, and what sort of cams I should get to do the job SAFE and right. I like it to idle nice, and give me a bit extra power...the power I don't have now! Will I gain enough HP when using these 248 dergee cams?

Please help me ;-)

gr Chrismo (Holland)

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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 07:49:13 AM
Have you made the exhaust manifold by yourself?
It's really nice!
I'm looking for an exhaust manifold that fit with a/c this is good?
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 07:51:08 AM
Also I forgot to ask: There is one option I'm thinking about.....

If I take the 248 cams, and also change my compression ratio (now 9,6:1) to 10,5:1 , change the entire intakemanifold and modify the tb from 45 to 50mm.
What would happen, and would I still have a SAFE engine with about 100 HP and a smooth idle?

To change the compression ratio, what's the best way for me to do this?
1-Get another head-gasket (what size??)
2-Get other pistons (where to get??)
3-Take some material off the head (how little??)

By changing the ratio, please do keep in mind I want the engine to be SAFE, be able to tank normal benzine, and idle as normal as possible.

**Please know that there is very little knowledge about the CG13DE in Holland! Also very hard to get parts!

gr Chris Henny
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 08:41:00 AM
hi chris henny

very nice manifold ;-)
autosprint (uk) do an excellent 275 reprofile for £80+vat.
i,ve tried out my 2mm skimmed head, and it ran ok, but the lower chain tensioner was on max (with a low milage chain).
or you could fit 1.0 pistons eh


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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 11:19:27 AM
2mm, that's a lot man! Also 275 sounds like too much for me, but that's the problem: A lot of people tell me things to do (I don't meen you), but have NOT done it themselves!
Like I tell them the sand on the Moon is would I know, but if they believe me, then it's green!

Those cams look realy nice man, no doubt about that! It's worth a try, I'll contact those guys in UK, see what they have to say.

The thing is, I like safe (as I say the word I know I say it TOO many times!) That's why I don't like to go wild on things like duration, lift, very high endcompression.... Because the thing I DO hear is when it goes wrong, or the engine doesn't run nice.

Is there a way to find out what I should do with my compr. ratio, if I put in (let's say) 248 cams? Or is this way to mild, and should I take another profile, suitable for a little higher end compression? This kind of info is hard to get.....and for me in Holland, impossible!
Tunercompany say: Get other pistons end go 11.5:1 and put in some 270 cams. Your engine will run perfectly, and also safe! You get 120 Hp out of it.
Well to me this sounds like TOO much, but there is the problem again: I don't have anybody to check these kind of stories.

gr Chris
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 11:40:53 AM

i have an autosport inlet and a piper exhaust cam (supposed to be 272, but is far less) atm and the tickover can be pulled down to 600rpm, so dont worry too much.
how about a 1mm skim ? (it should take you to over 10:1 c/r once the revs pick up)

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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 07:20:29 PM

Once the revs pick up you say. But at what revs do you feel power? From 1500 rpm, 2500 rpm?

gr Chris
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 07:25:52 PM

it,s not actually lumpy at low revs, just gutless (it would,nt pull your foreskin back below 2000), but at 2500 it really gets it,s finger out and is still pulling strongly at the rev limiter

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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 07:42:55 PM
I placed a ad I like to look for Tomei cams on this site. I did get some info about those Poncams 256, and am pretty convinced that when raising the endcompr. a little bit, I'll get a nice and safe engine.

If I'm wrong please do tell me so! I sure like somebody telling me this before, then I'll find out myself after the install.

gr Chris
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 07:52:31 PM

that sounds like a good plan ;-), my exhaust cam is only about 240deg so a pair of autosprint cams may be too wild for a daily driver eh.
what have you got in mind for the new inlet manifold, is it similar to turbo march rolling shell,s ?

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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 08:05:33 PM
It's like the manifold Cisco made.....the one looking like the inlet from a SR20.
This way I think getting better responce and gain some torque! Also the oem tb is 45mm, this I'd like to change to 50. All together I'm convinced to get a safe nice engine.

gr Chris
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 08:11:50 PM

yeh, i,ve been following the thread on your micrafanclub site, my ga16 t/b and injectors ran ok, but the fueling/afr was probably very unrefined

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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Fri 16 Jan 2009 08:28:34 PM
I have a tb comming from a GA15 engine, and is 50mm bore. I'm thinking of getting out my oem tb, get the valve and maf sensor out, then make this one also 50mm. Whem done, place the spindle and valve from the GA15 tb inside my modified one.
This should work fine! I cannot use the GA15 one, because they are not the same as the ones you guys use!

But please this is getting a bit off topic here (like to talk about ik though!)

gr Chris
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Sat 17 Jan 2009 01:26:45 AM
frank2 WROTE:
or you could fit 1.0 pistons eh


Well I just looked and I never think this will fit! The 1.3 and 1.0 have a different stroke, 17.5mm more on a 1.3 I think the 1.0 pistons will pop out of the 1.3 engine TDC.

gr Chris
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Sat 17 Jan 2009 02:42:45 AM
Chrismo WROTE:

frank2 WROTE:

or you could fit 1.0 pistons eh


Well I just looked and I never think this will fit! The 1.3 and 1.0 have a different stroke, 17.5mm more on a 1.3 I think the 1.0 pistons will pop out of the 1.3 engine TDC.

gr Chris"


the 1.0 conrod is longer, but the (flat top) 1.0 piston fits ok (the wrist pin is a megga tight interference fit tho :-o )

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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Sun 18 Jan 2009 09:47:43 AM
Ok, you say those 1.0 pistons will do the job? Leaving me at what ratio?

I read a lot of people changed their cr, but what pistons do they use for this, and where can you get them?
Also I'd like to know what pistons I should get to get my cr from 9.6:1 to somewhere around 10.5-11.5:1

I just got lucky to score a 2nd CG13DE engine with only 80d km on it! I'm going to get it apart and clean it all out, looking what to replace or what I can modify on it. Also going to do some light headwork, like pollish.

gr Chris
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Sun 18 Jan 2009 09:58:46 AM
Found it:

CG motors have the same head & bore = 71.0mm
CG13DE stroke = 80.5mm
CG10DE stroke = 63.0mm & CR = 9.5:1

If you use the CG10DE pistons in the CG13DE CR becomes

Only thing is.......they don't know if these pistons will hit the head in TDC!

gr Chrismo
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Re: Want to know more about CG13DE, and cam other compression needed?

Sun 18 Jan 2009 10:00:05 AM

you could work it out mathematically (both have the same c/r eh)
my guess would be close to 11:1
matt (mph on msc) uk sells flattop forged pistons


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