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LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 08 May 2008 04:51:53 PM
Hello, was wondering if there are any others interested in a group buy of LSD diff inserts, for the standard Micra g'box.

www.humphrisoxford.co.uk has them advertised for 595 Pounds
PLUS delivery from UK. Current dollar prices makes it a little over $1200, plus postage, which would be around 100/110 pounds ($210).

OK, for 5 buyers, he would charge 599 pounds, delivered, waiving the transport costs.
So yep its an expensive purchase, but if your interested, yell out.


Interested Parties.

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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 08 May 2008 04:54:13 PM
and also, up to now the Diff inserts did not come with a provision for speedo drive (your speedo would not work)
The latest versions do.
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 08 May 2008 05:36:25 PM
hmm, i'm interested, but when are you going to get them? im pretty straped and commited to other shit for the next couple of month or two.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 08 May 2008 06:36:08 PM
no prob mate, all my good bits for my car are mostly still in boxes, no rush here =)
just putting out the feelers..

He also has a complete set of 2nd hand rebuilt 4 pot AP brakes, which fit under 14" wheels going at mo as well.. =)
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 07:37:59 AM
Yeah id be interested but like everyone need some time to get the cash together.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 10:17:50 AM
especially you campbell on apprentice wage haha.... i cant realy talk tho.. haha
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 11:15:38 AM
are these mechanical LSD and also are they bolt on and go or do we have to source drive shafts?
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 11:32:36 AM
They just look like a modified centre from the picture given - wouldn't this just mean that you still retain the normal dif housing and keep the same drive shafts?

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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 12:46:24 PM
they are mechanical lsd's dont know about the shafts, but Mickeybbb should
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 02:03:40 PM
yup, they go straight in. standard shafts... these guys also have dog gearsets too.. for anyone else who's super keen :)
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 02:06:39 PM
mickey, do you want to make a list of people who are in the buy in the first post? then maybe once we have 5 or more (10! :) more discount!) we can make some sort of time to have the money in by...
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 02:32:31 PM
oh man, lsd with a dog box...

giggity giggity
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 02:56:33 PM
haha, i think the gearsets are about 2500 pounds + could probably get ppg to knock one up for less then that, would be mad but.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 04:39:11 PM
Not sure yet! Still thinking about it.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 05:09:59 PM
maybe, but $1200! what alternative are out there?
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 05:26:43 PM
yeh it's $1200, anyone know how much the pulsar LSD, custom driveshaft jobbie costs? (Cisco, anyone? =) )

They are selling a second-hand rebuilt, Dog Box w/ LSD at the mo, cant remember price tho..

So i c a few ppl putting there 2 cents in..
Matt u keeping ur Micra and getting one of these?
Sportsclassic, u need one?

il edit that post anywho..
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 05:40:29 PM
On another note, does anyone know where I can buy a set of C-spanner's for my coilovers? im kind of thinking somewhere more local tho, like i would like to buy them 2morro.
Otherwise I will get them from OS.

So, what kind of time are we going to set for this deal ppl?
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 06:07:26 PM
what about the et pulsar g'box with viscous lsd?
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 09:32:46 PM
fred WROTE:

"what about the et pulsar g'box with viscous lsd?"

hmm, i was thinking along the lines of that too.. but then, after all that effort, you still only have a viscous lsd. the gripper lsd is about the only way you can turn the stock box into a lsd one.. even the jdm/uk factory lsd boxes are fuckin expensive to get a hold of, i don't care what anyone says, the factory lsd box IS NOT any stronger then a normal box, the gearsets are the same (so i've been told), i can't see how the gearset can be any stronger, there the same gbox casing bar the diff housing part on the box(and the fact nissan themselves claim they are the same gearset for both boxes). anywho, even if you did have a factory lsd box, nismo/cusco/everyother jdm tuner has stopped making aftermarket lsd's for the cg13 k11 (only make em for the cg10 now), so having a jap box is pretty much no advantage over a factory box once you get a gripper lsd, only difference would be that your gripper lsd box is going to get more power to the ground for less money :D, so come on folks, join the band wagon.
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 09:37:11 PM
Mickeybbb WROTE:

"On another note, does anyone know where I can buy a set of C-spanner's for my coilovers? im kind of thinking somewhere more local tho, like i would like to buy them 2morro.
Otherwise I will get them from OS.

So, what kind of time are we going to set for this deal ppl?"

most coilover c spanners will work, i used a tein set for mine / i have a set of hks ones that are hangin around somewhere.. i think :?, use a chisel, a hammer, and lots of love if your in a hurry!
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 09:38:25 PM
Mickeybbb WROTE:

"yeh it's $1200, anyone know how much the pulsar LSD, custom driveshaft jobbie costs? (Cisco, anyone? =) )

They are selling a second-hand rebuilt, Dog Box w/ LSD at the mo, cant remember price tho..

So i c a few ppl putting there 2 cents in..

Matt u keeping ur Micra and getting one of these?

Sportsclassic, u need one?

il edit that post anywho.."

yeah i had a guy come and look at it one weekend and he was relly interested and about half way through i thought to myself.. WTF am i doing!!!??? hahahaha i cant give up my baby :)

turbo march-rolling shell WROTE:

fred WROTE:

"what about the et pulsar g'box with viscous lsd?"


the pulsar box with the VLSD can be fitted and if you cant get the 1.6 box with VLSD because they are rare as rocking horse shit (in australia) you can fit the n13 pulsar VLSD unit to the more current GA16- n14-n15 boxes
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 09 May 2008 10:18:06 PM
Mickeybbb WROTE:

BR>Sportsclassic, u need one?

il edit that post anywho.."

i need one, got a viscous one in the rally car but i would be better off with a clutch one. see how many people you can get, and see what deal Humphris come up with.

Try www.mcasuspension.com they are in QLD, for your C-spanners. There are a few different sizes, depends on the size of your nut(adjuster)
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sat 10 May 2008 02:31:35 PM
turbo march-rolling shell WROTE:


most coilover c spanners will work, i used a tein set for mine / i have a set of hks ones that are hangin around somewhere.. i think :?, use a chisel, a hammer, and lots of love if your in a hurry!"

Yeh I have an appropriate chisel/hammer, just didnt want to resort to that just yet =)
Is that a large sized Tein one? i'll buy one neway. Duno wat ur doing for mother's day mate, but i might drop over tomorro arvo, il call ya neway.
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sat 10 May 2008 02:55:25 PM
Mickeybbb WROTE:

turbo march-rolling shell WROTE:


most coilover c spanners will work, i used a tein set for mine / i have a set of hks ones that are hangin around somewhere.. i think :?, use a chisel, a hammer, and lots of love if your in a hurry!"

Yeh I have an appropriate chisel/hammer, just didnt want to resort to that just yet =)
Is that a large sized Tein one? i'll buy one neway. Duno wat ur doing for mother's day mate, but i might drop over tomorro arvo, il call ya neway.

hmm, yeh, dunno, i can't seem to find any c spanners now :(
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sat 10 May 2008 05:47:52 PM
I got out the big screwdriver and hammer, had a few whacks, just cant do it =) Need a C spanner, if i didnt have to work 2day I would have done the rounds and found one..
Bought some pulsar SSS wheels, little boring, but at least I can go lower without tyre destruction
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sat 10 May 2008 06:31:57 PM
Mickeybbb WROTE:

"I got out the big screwdriver and hammer, had a few whacks, just cant do it =) Need a C spanner, if i didnt have to work 2day I would have done the rounds and found one..
Bought some pulsar SSS wheels, little boring, but at least I can go lower without tyre destruction"

found my hks ones, if your comin out bring your sus, and see if the hks will work on it.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 06:40:49 PM
Mickeybbb WROTE:

"yeh it's $1200, anyone know how much the pulsar LSD, custom driveshaft jobbie costs? (Cisco, anyone? =) )

They are selling a second-hand rebuilt, Dog Box w/ LSD at the mo, cant remember price tho..

So i c a few ppl putting there 2 cents in..
Matt u keeping ur Micra and getting one of these?
Sportsclassic, u need one?

il edit that post anywho.."

cisco should have done this to the blue monster to really take advantage of the power it had without stressing about breaking gearsets, not to mentoin better traction
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 06:45:50 PM
how much difference would a lsd realy make?? in terms of power to the ground or handling are there any other better options?? or options that will improve over the lsd??


im keen, but only if its realy worth it!! cos to be honest its alot of money... hah
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 07:05:22 PM
maat WROTE:


cisco should have done this to the blue monster to really take advantage of the power it had without stressing about breaking gearsets, not to mentoin better traction"

i would never use a dogbox on the road. you would wear the dog teeth out in no time from constantly start and stopping in traffic and your fuel economy will be up shit creek because of 1:1 5th gear, not to mention the noise that straight cut gears make.. sounds good but!
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 07:06:31 PM
i would never use a dogbox on the road. you would wear the dog teeth out in no time from constantly start and stopping in traffic and your fuel economy will be up shit creek because of 1:1 5th gear, not to mention the noise that straight cut gears make.. sounds good but!
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 07:31:39 PM
sportsclassic WROTE:

"i would never use a dogbox on the road. you would wear the dog teeth out in no time from constantly start and stopping in traffic and your fuel economy will be up shit creek because of 1:1 5th gear, not to mention the noise that straight cut gears make.. sounds good but!"

the noise is the best part! i'd get a dogbox, but only cause the red car will probably do like 5km's a year when its done :D

woot woot, we have 4 ppl!
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 07:50:08 PM
tris WROTE:

"how much difference would a lsd realy make?? in terms of power to the ground or handling are there any other better options?? or options that will improve over the lsd??


im keen, but only if its realy worth it!! cos to be honest its alot of money... hah"

lsd makes a massive difference especially the mechanical, i know of certain cases where just adding lsd to a SSS pulsar track car reduced its lap time signifigently

sportsclassic WROTE:

"i would never use a dogbox on the road. you would wear the dog teeth out in no time from constantly start and stopping in traffic and your fuel economy will be up shit creek because of 1:1 5th gear, not to mention the noise that straight cut gears make.. sounds good but!"

correct me if im wrong but the blue monster wasnt a daily driver
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 08:04:29 PM
maat WROTE:

>correct me if im wrong but the blue monster wasnt a daily driver"

twas hardly a track thrasher either
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 08:21:59 PM
then what is it/ was it hahaha.. just a micra lovers marvel..... where is it neway?? is the owner part of the forums?? or did some thick revhead who only wants a good car for fwd burnouts get his hands on it?? haha not to be rude or anything....
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 08:23:40 PM
turbo march-rolling shell WROTE:

sportsclassic WROTE:

" the noise is the best part! i'd get a dogbox, but only cause the red car will probably do like 5km's a year when its done :D

woot woot, we have 4 ppl!"

yeh gota love the noise!
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 08:28:50 PM
tris WROTE:

"then what is it/ was it hahaha.. just a micra lovers marvel..... where is it neway?? is the owner part of the forums?? or did some thick revhead who only wants a good car for fwd burnouts get his hands on it?? haha not to be rude or anything...."

i'd say its the biggest oz hp built micra to date. that's it. only because no one else stupid enough has come along.. there's a few people now that'll challenge the monster, and blow it out of the water for sure. shame we don't see or hear of it anymore..
turbo march-rolling shell
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 08:28:50 PM
tris WROTE:

"then what is it/ was it hahaha.. just a micra lovers marvel..... where is it neway?? is the owner part of the forums?? or did some thick revhead who only wants a good car for fwd burnouts get his hands on it?? haha not to be rude or anything...."

i'd say its the biggest oz hp built micra to date. that's it. only because no one else stupid enough has come along to waste there money.. there's a few people now that'll challenge the monster, and blow it out of the water for sure. shame we don't see or hear of it anymore..
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Sun 11 May 2008 08:52:36 PM
haha yeah very true.... no1 has the mind of cisco... but i would definately kill for that car when it was in its prime!! there would be no doubt about it if i had the money that i would try make the best possible micra i could... im just imagineing the satisfaction of smoking a car that usualy the micra would be no match for through corners and all and seeing the dissapointment on the other drivers face..... however.. only a dream
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 09:16:55 AM
So does anyone have one of these Gripper LSDs? Are they any good? Are they a torsen/quaife style or clutch pack?
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 10:19:44 AM
old thread is old.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 10:42:08 AM
point being? I'm not asking to be part of the group buy...
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 10:56:42 AM
If u posted a question. Someone will reply ...do a search mate , been covered many times"

If u open an old thread......"gee men thats an old thread "

Eyes rolled
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 11:40:27 AM
I'll just call Tyrie a necromancer instead.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 01:38:12 PM
Tyrie, Matt Humphris told me that they have had issues with Gripper LSDs - also, the speedo is useless with the Gripper
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 01:45:57 PM
issues hey? I have my feelers out for cusco units as well but they seem very pricey! Speedo I dont think would be a huge issue, would just stick a gps or bike speedo in.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 01:59:10 PM
LOL bike speedo....you obviously have no clue...
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 02:16:31 PM
cusco lsd is only for the cg10 box
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 02:20:48 PM
I have been led to believe thats only the current production cusco, and no out-of-production units are floating around to suit cg13de... Finding one is the hard bit!
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Thu 04 Aug 2011 07:22:04 PM
This was the older version of the diff.
Current unit works with the standard speedo drive.
(from Humphries anyway..)
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 12:29:41 AM
Tyrie WROTE:

"So does anyone have one of these Gripper LSDs? Are they any good? Are they a torsen/quaife style or clutch pack?"

i'm using a gripper clutch LSD on my 1.3 slx turbo with 160bhp 160ftlb.

check my blog for details


at post #856 10th feb i got the lsd off matt but cos it was for competition use it didn't have space for the speedo gear

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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 12:30:28 AM
lsd vs stock

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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 12:32:39 AM
so i rang matt and he requested gripper to build an alternative model that has the clutch plates on one side only so the speedo could be fitted

post #943 2nd march on me blog

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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 12:34:00 AM

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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 12:55:03 AM
using morris xfs 80w/140 lsd oil

this lsd matt sent me was a 2-way 45/45 ramp config

during bed-in, the lsd clutch engagement is pretty sharp and when doin 3 point turns its really noisy n stuttering like an impact drill. must advise that you locktight the driveshaft nut cos they will rattle loose and wreck the wheel bearing.
during bed-in when turning, i was initially surprised at the sudden change in stability as the ramps shift direction if the torque load is gradually altered.
entering a corner mid-power the lsd engages and steering turns in at a certain rate. if i ease off till there's zero load going through the diff, the lsd suddenly snaps to open-diff and the front suddenly wants to turn in more given the same amount of steering angle.
so going through corners you have to maintain a constant load.

but now after few thousand miles its all bedded in, static preload is reduced and the engagement is much smoother n gradual n quiet so the mid-corner sudden snap disengagement has lessened
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 05:14:46 AM
So this gripper LSD will fit standard gearbox or will still need the 31v gearbox?

If it fits the cg13de standard gearbox, I'm actually tempted to get one!!
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 05:41:37 AM
They are designed only for the standard K11 gearboxes. The 31V is totally different.

The gripper diffs are really setup for rally cars direct from gripper and to be honest I am changing mine out, as the 45/45 for me isn't optimal.

I am actually swapping for a 31V gearbox especially for the ratios, as we have a close ratio version. Which incidentally was mentioned earlier in terms of strength. The gearbox casings are not any stronger however the gears are noticeably larger in profile compared to a standard 30A gearbox, all be it by a small percentage.....even reverse has a thicker gear width.

We'll see how the vLSD goes and perhaps comission gripper to make one for the 31V box next year but it wont be a 45/45 nor have anywhere near the initial pre-load they come set with. Without PAS they're quite an arm breaker from new and I also don't use the recommended oil from Luxedol either. Being an 80w140, it it pretty viscous and does nothing to stop chatter. I run a 75w90 for LSDs with some friction modifier to keep things a little less harsh and actually eliminate chatter all together.
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 07:01:36 AM
i was tempted to get one..... not any more tho :O
i can remember when i welded the diff in my oldschool mini stockrod, f/kin thing needed a very wide berth lol, it veered all over the shop on the banked oval !
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 09:15:24 AM
mm so they are a clutch pack 2way? Not really what I'm after (I put a KAAZ 1.5way in my datsun and loved it, but wouldnt really want one in a fwd)
Does anyone know if you can get quaife style automatic torque biasing 1way LSDs?

I imagine if we had enough interest (i.e. 10 committed members) we could get a run of Topgear torsion LSDs made (from memory works out at around $1200ea)
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 05:21:15 PM
First few days upon receiving from Gripper you can change to any available ramp free, u just pay for postage.

I would've changed to 1.5way but it was already fitted and couldn't be bothered to take the gearbox out
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Re: LSD Gripper Diff's. Possible Group Buy.

Fri 05 Aug 2011 09:10:39 PM
This will be done if we choose to have one made for the 31V box should the vLSD prove to be useless. However we are changing many things on the car this year so the LSD will take a bit of a back seat until we have given the car some heavy shakedowns.